Bytegolf Compiler

Publish date: Mar 30, 2024
Projects: Bytegolf Bytegolf Compiler

The goal of the Bytegolf Compiler is to take untrusted user code snippets, run them in a secure environment, and return the output to the client. This post will cover the architecture, usage, and future for the Bytegolf Compiler.

All the code for this post is available at the bg-compiler Github Repo.


Bytegolf started as a code game similar to Code Golf, with the goal of adding more dimensions instead of solely code length like CPU, Memory, and time. The project came to mind a few years ago as a good project to learn Go and React, but ended up including Docker, Terraform, and even more than that.

As for running user submitted code for the Bytegolf application, I leveraged the Jdoodle Compiler API. However I decided having an in-house solution to customize the languages and versions that I would want to support would be better for the long term, and thus the Bytegolf Compiler was born.


Bytegolf Compiler Architecture

The Bytegolf Compiler is run as a singleton web server that runs on the same level as Docker. Although it doesn’t need to run on bare-metal, it is recommened to avoid nested virtualization. To run the Bytegolf Compiler within a Docker container on the Host, Docker would have to be exposed to the container using some Docker-in-Docker (DinD) solution.

The goal was to avoid running untrusted code in VMs, but instead leverage ephemeral Docker containers to run the code for a quicker turnaround and less configuration.

Container Security

Running untrusted code in Docker containers can be a security risk. gVisor, a Google-developed application kernel, acts as a security shield between the container and host operating system, significantly reducing that risk.

After gVisor installation, the runsc binary is available to be used as a runtime for Docker by configuring the Docker daemon /etc/docker/daemon.json. I wanted to ensure there was no network access for the untrusted user containers, which gVisor luckily supports with the following Docker daemon config.

  "runtimes": {
    "runsc": {
      "path": "/usr/local/bin/runsc",
      "runtimeArgs": [


Compiler Web Server

The webserver acts as a front door for code “Submissions”. The compiler is wrapped in a CLI allowing for the following to be configured:

Flag Default Description
backlog 2000 Job backlog before API rejects requests.
memory 512 Amount of memory that a container can use for a single run (in MB).
cpu 1024 CPU shares for a container.
output 30 Number of bytes that can be read from a container output before the container is killed (in KB).
timeout 30 Container timeout in seconds.
workers 4 Number of concurrent workers.
port 8080 Port to run the compiler on.
--gvisor false Use gVisor for increased container security (requires runsc).


Let’s focus on the “Worker"s for a second. A “Worker” in this context is a Go routine that listens for “Jobs” on a channel. Each worker is responsible for creating a new Docker container with the requested image, starting the container, collecting StdOut/StdErr streams, and cleaning up the container once it has completed. Each worker is configured with CPU shares and memory limits for right-sizing. For more detailed information about CPU shares, see the CPU Shares for Docker Containers blog by Christopher Batey.

For example, running the binary on a system with 8GB of Ram, 4 Cores, with 8 threads could comfortably fit 7 workers with 1GB of memory and 1024 CPU shares each.

bg-compiler start --workers 7 --cpu 1024 --memory 1024

For less CPU intense scripts, the CPU could be decreased to 512 or 256, and multiple containers could run on the same thread.

Submission to Jobs

When a user submits a code snippet to the /compile endpoint, the compiler takes this in as a “Submission”, writing the script to a tmp directory on the host. The compiler takes this tmp directory, and generates a single read-only Docker bind mount.

The compiler then creates count “Jobs” for each submission, which atomic input to a “Worker”. Once all Jobs are processed and completed, the compiler will return the results as a list to the client.

For example, lets say I want to take the following python code and run it 3 times:

import random

random_number = random.randint(1, 1000000)

The code needs to be HTML escaped and sent as the script field of a JSON object to the /compile endpoint.

The host machine must have the Docker daemon running and the container image requested present for a compile request. In this case, python:3.11.1-alpine3.17 would need available on the host.
curl --request POST \
  --url http://localhost:8080/compile \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --data '{
	"script": "import random\nrandom_number = random.randint(1, 1000000)\nprint(random_number)",
	"image": "python:3.11.1-alpine3.17",
	"count": 3,
	"cmd": "python3"

Behind the scenes the script gets mounted to each container as /bg/main.ext, and each container runs {cmd} /bg/main.ext where {cmd} is the command passed in the cmd field of the JSON object.

The output of running this command would be:

    "stdout": "947257\n",
    "stderr": "",
    "duration_ms": 188,
    "timed_out": false
    "stdout": "388874\n",
    "stderr": "",
    "duration_ms": 211,
    "timed_out": false
    "stdout": "956220\n",
    "stderr": "",
    "duration_ms": 191,
    "timed_out": false

Next Steps

Overall, this project was a fun way to explore the depths of Docker and Go. It meets all of the curret needs for the Bytegolf project, but there are a few things that I would consider adding if I had more time in the future: